What is an aura?

The aura is an energetic reflection of our physical body that radiates the energy we are holding in that moment. It is an electromagnetic field full of color emanating from us and all around us, reflecting our thoughts, emotions, and overall personality. Think of it as an energetic thumbprint, completely unique to you.

How can I book an appointment for an aura painting?

All sessions are by appointment only.  Click the scheduling tab at the top of this page and you can schedule your session based on availability from there!

What are some benefits of having my aura painted?

When we open ourselves to our aura, we open ourselves to greater awareness and expansion, and that in turn can lead to infinite possibilities!  Plus, you get a really amazing custom painting that is a great conversation starter that you can also show off to your friends.  It’s a beautiful portrait representation of your personalized and unique energy field.

If someone is bored, stuck and unchallenged with life why might having their aura painted be a good thing?

Having your aura painted can be a great way to increase clarity and focus when feeling stuck or unchallenged in life. By exploring the different areas of an aura and the colors associated with them, individuals can gain insights into their own energy and how it may be influencing their life. Additionally, it can also help bring awareness to any negative energy present, which can then be cleansed and transformed into positive energy. As a result, those who have their aura painted may experience increased creativity, a calmness, and a sense of peace and fulfillment.

What is your policy for refunds, cancellations and reschedules for sessions?

All sales for Aura Painting Sessions /Appointments are final. After appointments have been booked, we are not able to reschedule appointments or provide refunds or credits for cancellations or missed appointments, for any reason.  But you can pay it forward! If for any unforeseen reason, you cannot make it to your appointment, you are more than welcome to pass your reservation on to a friend or family member. Just forward your confirmation to your friend and contact us at hello@helloauras.com to give us a heads up at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. You may also submit a photograph of yourself by email and your aura may be painted from your selected photograph.

Can you have your aura painted while you are pregnant?

Yes! The process of an aura painting is completely safe for pregnant women.

Can babies or small children have their aura painted?


Can you paint an aura portrait of pets?

Yes!  Please keep in mind that the colors that may show up for pets have a different representation than humans, which will be provided to you along with your aura painting.

Can you explain how you can paint my aura without me being in front of you?  

Connecting with someone energetically is done through an expanded state through the power of intention and focus. I connect to you in an energetic, non-local way, which means there is no distance between us. This type of connection allows me to access your energy field, enabling me to tap into your unique energetic field to intuitively paint what I see.

Everything is energy, we are all connected, and life energy cannot be confined by physical distances and can be connected through long-distance channels of communication. This allows me to access this level of insight in my expanded state without any disturbances or interruption.

Are you able to read an aura from a regular photo?

Yes.  An aura painted from a photograph will be a representation of the aura and energetic field present around that person at that particular time.

Are there any special instructions I should follow before and/or after having my aura painted?

Please don’t eat or drink anything, or be on any social media, TV, etc. starting 25 minutes before your session and during your scheduled appointment time.  Other than that just be comfortable!